Monday, November 10, 2008

response to d.malone

d. malone said...

Do you think she deserved what has happened to her? Do you see it 'bound to happen' to everyone? Why was this bound to happen to her?

I do think that she deserved what happened to her. The first reason being that it was obvious that she was warned about being "bound to fall". The first paragraph offers several instances where she shows that she choose not to listen to those who warned her. While she "laughed about" those who where "Hanging out" she never cared to think of the warnings that where given to her.

I do not see the line "bound to happen" as intended to cover all people. Just this instance where she was warned and seemed to have such a large ego. Also I think that the lyrics make it clear that the narrator was talking about just the one person by choosing to put the word "you're" before "bound to fall" when the writer could have chosen a word like everyone if they intended to mean more than just her. 

The  reason that it was bound to happen to her was that she had such a large ego before her fall. It seems that she could never imagine sinking so low because, even when it did happen only then does she not "talk so loud" or "seem so proud".  Also in the third verse "Aint it hard when you discover that He really wasn't where its at." showing her realization that her previous life was not right for her. Something she could only realize after taking her fall. It is one of those situations where hind sight is 20/20. Where only after you have moved on from a point in your life can you look back and see what was wrong with it.  

1 comment:

Alanna said...

Maybe Dylan is talking about the music business and how people who get involved in entertainment start leaning towards drugs and then it ruins her life.
Or do you think that it was just drugs that brought her down?